Ancaster Little League Umpire Clinic, News (Ancaster Little League)

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Apr 17, 2023 | Ancaster Little League | 358 views
Ancaster Little League Umpire Clinic
The date for our Umpire Clinic has been officially scheduled for Sunday April 30 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the clubhouse above the snack shack. (Click read more for more information.)

This year we plan to have a practical component with a live game alongside the regular aspects of the clinic to give some hands-on experience under the guiding eye of our senior team.

We recommend a notebook, pen, and optionally, the Little League rulebook app downloaded onto their phone or electronic device.

Please respond as soon as possible if you are able to attend or not and send any inquiries or food limits/allergies to: Umpiring.[email protected] as a pizza lunch will be provided.

Thank you for your interest in being an umpire for Ancaster Little League, and see you all at the clinic.