2025 Little League Registration (Baseball & T-Ball) (Ancaster Little League)

2025 Little League Registration (Baseball & T-Ball)

Player Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Please note as a coach, you are required to submit a Vulnerability Sector Check. Please click on the following link to fill out the application. Completed checks must be submitted to the league no later than April 1st. Vulnerability Sector Checks obtain after January 1, 2025 are valid for two years, an Attestation will need to be completed for year two. Vulnerability Sector Checks obtain in 2024 will need a completed Attestation.  Get a Background Check | Hamilton Police Service
The Ontario Government has enacted Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 1 (“Act”). Ontario Regulation 161/19, the Act requires all sport organizations as defined in the Regulation (“Sports Organization”), to have a Concussion Code of Conduct.  This Concussion Code of Conduct must require participants, as set out in the Act, to review the Ontario Government’s issued Concussion Awareness Resources on an annual basis. 

A participant is subject to a Concussion Code of Conduct for each Sports Organization a participant registers with.

Applicable age appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources are located at 

The Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources must be reviewed before you can register/participate with Ancaster Little League.

You can review the Concussion Awareness Resources via these links:


I confirm that I have reviewed the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources and commit to operating within the parameters of the Concussion Code of Conduct under the role which I have registered with Ancaster Little League.

I have read and acknowledge Ancaster Little League policies on the website, including the lightning policy and code of conduct.  Policies (Ancaster Little League)
Consent: I hereby grant permission to Ancaster Little League on behalf of my child, to record, photograph and tape (audio, video, still) my child and display images of my child or children on the Association Website, social media platforms, and in local Media print for non-profit and/or educational purposes. I understand the production(s) may be shown at board sponsored displays in the community, the internet, or included in educational or promotional materials.
Ancaster Little League has a mandatory $25 non-refundable fee.  Should a player cancel prior to April 1st, the registration fee, minus the $25 non-refundable fee, will be returned.  There will be No Refunds after April 1st, unless a medical note is received.  Ancaster Little League only has limited spots available in each division.

Payment Information

By checking this box, you agree to complete payment immediately for the 2025 season. If payment is not received within 48 hours, you will be removed from the registration list, and your child's spot will not be held.