24 Hour Charity Baseball Game, News, Major Little League, 2023 (Ancaster Little League)

This League is part of the 2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Jun 25, 2023 | Ancaster Little League | 769 views
24 Hour Charity Baseball Game
Can you survive 24 hours in the Snake Pit? Ancaster Little League is proud to present the 24 hour charity baseball game.  July 15 noon to July 16 noon.  Bring your friends, family and neighbours. The game is open to all players of any age and skill level. 

In addition to the baseball game, once the evening sets in we will be screening baseball movies on the minor diamond. If your players and families wish, the minor and t-ball diamonds will also be open for camping out.

Cost is $20 and includes a "I survived the night in the Snake Pit" t-shirt. Play for a while or play for the whole 24 hours. Or play for a bit then take a break and play again! We hope to see you all there.

To register email [email protected]. Space is limited.

The charity we are fundraising for is Ancaster Community Services. Ancaster Community Services does a lot of amazing work in our community including running the Meals on Wheels program, Christmas baskets for those in need, arranging volunteers to transport seniors to appointments, shopping for seniors program; and runs the Ancaster Food Assistance Program. For more information on their invaluable work in our community please visit their website: https://ancastercommunityservices.ca


Download the Flyer Here:  24HourGame.pdf
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