As the season fast approaches- please see how to subscribe to News and Game alerts for the League, and your child's team.
During the season- decisions regarding rainouts and keeping up on the news of the league is important, and happens quickly.
It is recommended that you take a moment to subscribe to both News Alerts and Game Alerts for your teams. You can also Sync your Calendar so practices, and games will go to your Calendar to help stay organized.
Step 1: Enter the Subscribe sign up:
At the bottom of the website, you will see the following:
Click on the "Subscribe" button the right- or by clicking on this
Subscribe button
Step 2: Select E-mail Notifications

Step 3: Enter Your E-mail address
Step 4: Select the Notifications you want
The league recommends you select to subscribe to
News Articles and to your specific team's
Schedule Changes
If a game gets rained out- the conveners are notified, and they let the coaches know, the coaches relay the information to the parents. The website is also updated- so when a game gets cancelled those subscribed to the affected teams Schedule Changes will get a notification- this will very likely be faster than any other way to know that the night games have been cancelled.
To Sync Your Calendar
Step 1: Enter the Subscribe sign up:
At the bottom of the website, you will see the following:
Click on the "Subscribe" button the right- or by clicking on this
Subscribe button
Step 2: Select Calendar Subsciptions

This will bring you to this website for
step 3
Step 3: Select Your House league Team
Step 4: Additional Reminder
If you want an alert on your calendar:
Step 5: Get your Personal Web link:
***Please Note this is a sample of what you will see- please do not enter this web link for your purposes***
To sync to your calendar there are detailed instructions for each platform.