General Information (Ancaster Little League)

PrintGeneral Information

Ancaster Little League is proud to offer baseball programs for children ages 4-16 years old.  We now offer a Junior house league program for ages 14-16 years old.  

2025 Summer House League Fees

Fees for the 2025 season are as follows:

Division Age Fee
Intro to Baseball 4-5* $225
Jr T-Ball 5-6* $325
Sr T-Ball 7-8 $325
Minor 9 $385
Major 10-11 $385
Intermediate 12-13 $385
Junior (new in 2025) 14-15-16 $385
GIRLS Softball  9-12** $325

* If your child is 5 years old and it is their first year playing baseball, please choose Intro to Baseball. If they are 5 and have one or more years of experience please choose Jr T-Ball.

** Girls Softball - Girls born Sept 2016-Dec 2016 can register for Softball

2025 Spring League Fees

Fees for the 2025 Spring League House League season are as follows:

Baseball Division (Ages 10 & Up) Fee
Spring League Only $225
Spring League - Add on* $100

* If your child has registered for 2025 Summer House League, then select the 'Add on' $100 fee.   If your child is only playing Spring League, then the fee is $225.

2025 Tentative Schedule*
*Subject to change based on final registration numbers per division and diamond permit allocations.  

Division                         Season Start     Season End     Tentative Time Slots                                  
Intro to Baseball Middle of May End of July Saturday Mornings
(alternating times) 
Jr. T-Ball Middle of May End of August Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00pm
(Games and Practices combined)
Sr. T-Ball Middle of May End of August Games:  Monday or Wednesday 6:00pm
Practices:  Tuesday or Thursday 6:00pm or 7:30pm
(Once scheduled, practice time will remain the same for entire season)
Minor Middle of May End of August Games:  Monday or Tuesday 6:00pm or 8:00pm
Practices: Wednesday 6:00pm or 7:30pm
(Once scheduled, practice time will remain the same for entire season)
Major Middle of May End of August Games:  Tuesday or Wednesday 6:00pm or 8:00pm
Monday 6:00pm or 7:30pm
(Once scheduled, practice time will remain the same for entire season)
Intermediate Middle of May End of August Games:  Thursday 6:00pm or 8:00pm
Practices: Wednesday6:00pm or 7:30pm
(Once scheduled, practice time will remain the same for entire season)
Junior Middle of May End of August Games: TBD
Practices: TBD

Spring League  April May Games:  Friday, Saturday & Sunday (weather permitting)
Practices: TBD

Girls Softball Middle of May End of August Games:  Tuesday 6:00pm or 8:00pm
Practices:  Wednesday 6:00pm

Houseleague Weekends (Senior T-Ball, Minor, Major, Intermediate, Junior):
Each team will play 4 games over the course of a weekend- 1 on Friday, 2 on Saturday, 1 on Sunday- Sunday may have 2 games if there is a rainout earlier in the weekend.  Specific weekend for each house league division is still TBD.  

Playoffs begin: TBD
Championship Weekend: TBD

Senior T-Ball and above- double knockout or series format, to be contested over 3 weeks. Games may occur on any day of the week, and may not follow the traditional schedule from the regular season.

Junior T-Ball teams will play Tuesdays and Thursdays through August and play a season ending game on the final Saturday.

Pre-Season Mass Evaluations

In older divisions (Sr. Tball and up), players will attend a mass evaluation (Date: TBD) and are assessed for all of their fundamental baseball skills at the beginning of the season at a mass try-out. Teams will then be drafted to ensure an even distribution of skills across all the teams. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I Request That My Child Be Placed With A Friend?

While siblings will always be placed on the same team, we cannot guarantee that all requests for friends or neighbours to be put together can be fulfilled. Remember - Each new teammate is an opportunity for a new life-long friend!

What Do I Need to Bring or Supply?

Uniforms, bats and catcher's equipment are provided by the league.

Please send your player to the diamond with their own:
  • Glove
  • Batting helmet
  • Comfortable running shoes or cleats
  • Jock or Jill
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen
Note that players choosing to bring their own bat must ensure that it has the USA Baseball logo to meet Little League Standards.  Bats with the 'USSSA' logos are not permitted in Little League games.  

How Do I Know What Division to Register My Child For?

The Division that a child plays in will be based on their "Little League Age". To determine a player’s "Little League Age", use the age chart below. Simply intersect the month and year of birth on the chart and check the farthest righthand column to see the division that applies.  For Girls Softball, please use the Age Charge titled 'Little League Softball'

