Girls Major Softball (Age 9-12) (Ancaster Little League)

PrintGirls Major Softball (Age 9-12)

Girls Softball returns to Ancaster Little League for the 2025 season.  Our new House League Major Division is open to all girls, ages 9-12, who want to continue their Little League journey into our softball program.   Teams will consist of approximate 12 girls per team.     

There will be one game per week, and one scheduled weekly practice.   Upon completion of the regular season, a post-season play-off tournament will be held.  

Games will be on diamonds with 60’ bases and 40’ pitching distances.  Games will be played under Little League Softball Rules.   

Games:  Tuesdays 6:00pm or 8:00pm

Practices:  Wednesdays 6:00pm

Little League Softball Age Chart for 2025 is included below. 
Note:  Girls born Sept 2016-Dec 2016 can register for Softball 
